What got me here?

Imagination as the doorway to creation.

I believe we are hinted to our calling in life since we are in our innocent years, our childhood. When we know just about joy, wanting to have fun and explore.

I was not a little girl that liked to be still, I always participated in any dance or sport activity I could. I had a humble upbringing, where toys were not a regular thing I had access to. I always played with my imagination and nature- climbing trees, feeling the speed and wind on my face while riding the only bicycle I had in my early years. Then next were the roller-skates, then sports, then dancing. Although dancing was always something I did since I remember.

Experimenting with the body and existing with it in this 3D world always felt natural to me. My mom still doesn’t understand how could I have such a love for movement and music.

This curiosity stayed consistent until I decided to do this professionally, choosing dance as my main instrument and doorway to where I am now.

Little did I know that the world of energy and the unseen mechanics of life were waiting for me to go to the place I was introduced to my first shamanic healing arts teacher. All disguised as me looking for a job to be able to sustain my dance studies.

Since then, everything is history.

In one side, my mind always wanted to know the scientific names and be recognized for all the things it knew and wanted to share with others. It wanted validation overall.

Such were the turns in life that later on, I found myself living in one of the most buzzing cities of the world, New York City.

(Talk about going to the training field….)

While I was playing the 3D world game of getting my New York massage therapy license, and getting all the science behind stress and pain, I started noticing that there were things that were not being taught in the conventional health school setting, even one as prestigious as the one I attended.

Pain and dis-ease rooted in deep levels and more abstract mechanisms in the body-mind-spirit connection, inspired me to find answers in other places and practices.

Since then, while I worked in a wide variety of settings in Mexico and NYC- medical clinics, sports and fitness centers, high-end spas, wellness studios; I have been studying and practicing what is commercially called “mystical healing arts”, or as some would say, “woo woo” healing.

Synchronistically, while those years of studying and practicing the mystical side of healing, many un-explained events, personal and with clients, happened.

It’s been nice seeing science slowly discover the deep knowing many of us have been feeling all along, many times originally rejected by conventional “authorities”.

This “delay” has only inspired me to dive even deeper, as the events were not just coincidences anymore, as it makes me wonder :

“What else are we denying ourselves simply because science has not proven it yet?”

My Why…

Many of the deep rooted problems that hunt human beings require an existential, spiritual and/or philosophical approach to attain resolution.

I believe that sooner or later, we are pushed to go to those levels in order to keep moving on in harmony, as the universal law of balance states, for spirits are in constant movement just like Nature.

Working in the current wellness industry for all these years showed me the big gap happening between what the practice of true wellness is and the empty promises that people fall into because issues such as capitalism and the scarcity mindset that prevails in society and that has leaked into the personal development journey.

Being called to guide others to an experience of Life based on more than what we know and has been allowed in history (oppression, self-exploitation, fear, mental games, mind oriented processes, living in the head all the time, numbing emotional and physical pain) is, I believe, part of the important foundational work I provide due to the need at this time.

I decided to stop participating in the quick-fix culture, jumped off the hamster wheel of empty success and toxic productivity, and now guide those who find themselves trapped in the healing loop industry, tired of loop and are ready to begin doing things in a different way.

The Method

Soma. Aura. Spirit.

With revolutionary and science-backed tools, I blend somatic processes with recognized energy work and mysticism-based work. At the end, everything comes down to energy and our relationship to it.

The specific methods I use in guiding others are called forward by each individual and where they are in their journey.

I am a big advocate of learning and teaching the language of the body and how it communicates with us.

There is a wisdom that lives within you and that only you can interact with, if you know how to.

To get here, the process looks like this:

  1. Creating rapport: Helping you and your body feel safe with me is the most important part of the work.

  2. Recognizing your individuality through being: Together, we discover the language of your body and its nuances.

  3. Energy education: Depending where you are on the previous step, there will be a learning portion regarding energy work (how you embody various components of the self) in order to prepare for internal work; this is necessary IF you want to be able to navigate life differently and powerfully, (for example someone might be in need of resolving stagnant trauma energy first, and this method will require a different set of tools in comparison to someone that might simply have a need for accountability and moral support)

  4. Calibration: We then tune into activating the body-mind connection to map the next steps in your life.

    I am not here to give you goals and achievements. My approach is journey oriented. Compared to other types of work that stay at the conceptual level (logical realm), I am here to guide you into another level of life experience, embracing spiritual, emotional, intuitive, and creative aspects (the ones often neglected in traditional school systems)in a relaxed manner with an emphasis on breaking the toxic stress cycles.

What makes this work different?

I realized that there are 2 roads people usually find themselves in:

  1. Healing, healing, healing (focused on the past): they stay there for years, getting to know what they need to heal from, reading about all types of healing methods, using their time and resources to keep healing, which is necessary, but there is often a missing off-ramp, so the person keeps cycling around the same healing track, and seldom move forward from that path.

  2. Achieve, achieve, achieve (focused on the future): goal setting, working hard for THAT goal (which may not even be their own), and keeping distracted to bypass important messages the body is trying to communicate until you “sweep it under the rug”, only to one day realize that they are confronted with the consequences of not giving attention to those “hidden dust bunnies”.

In both cases, there is very little attention placed on being in the present.

Having been at both extremes myself, we can’t wait our whole life until we are fully “healed” to start taking simple, aligned, small actions steps for what we truly want, as some of the healing will take place as one moves forward in the journey.

We can keep doing the healing work AND start designing our life based on our desires at the same time, while honoring our essence, based on listening to what is good for US, not solely what benefits the other (insert who or what that “other” in your life is here).

Additionally, I realized that many of us hide when we are in a group setting; we just observe, compare our situation with others in the group, and then believe that everything will be ok simply because we sat there. This is one of the the main reasons as to why I predominantly offer 1:1 work, especially as based on my experience working in this field, some things need to be processed in confidentiality. Not all of us are ready to share and be witnessed by a group, even if they have the best intentions. I believe that needs to be honored and is a major missing component in many containers and programs out there.

Groups are great, but my containers are more for those that want absolute focus, confidentiality, laser attention and guidance, without the hindering of maintaining the pace of a group, which may be too fast or slow for your personal way of being.

Each person's journey is ultimately tailored to who they truly are; because you are unique, your process will be unique to you.

If you have any questions you can book a call by clicking on the button below:

If you are ready to start your process choose one of the gates to start here: